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spring festival time

Henry Makow has written about the Sabbateans. The Sabbateans pre-date the Freemasons and exist to this day.

"Either convert to Islam or die."  This was the choice the Turkish Sultan put to Sabbatai Zevi,  self-proclaimed Jewish "Messiah" in 1666.

By only pretending to convert, Zevi  resorted to a common practice. But Zevi was not an ordinary Jew. He led a popular heresy, based on a satanic strain of Cabalism. The rabbis had denounced him and his followers.

After his "conversion," over a million followers, who later included financiers like the Rothschilds, imitated his example. But they didn't just pretend to be Muslims or Christians. They pretended to be Jews as well.
Communist defector Bella Dodd revealed that during the 1930's the Communist Party had 1100 members join the Catholic Priesthood. They became Bishops, Cardinals and possibly Popes.

By adopting this chameleon strategy, this satanic cult infiltrated and subverted most governments and religions, and established an invisible tyranny without drawing much attention.

The Sabbateans encourage licentiousness for all, but they remain self-contained within their own sect. Religion is ultimately meaningless to them, although they use it to manipulate others.
According to Rabbi Marvin Antelman, they believe sin is holy and should be practised for its own sake. Since the Messiah will come when people either become righteous or totally corrupt, the Sabbateans opted for debauchery: "Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners."

...We are told "free sex" is "progressive and modern." In fact, the Sabbatean sect has indulged in wife sharing, sex orgies, adultery and incest for more than 350 years. They also promoted interracial sex. They have partly inducted us into their cult.

...Sabbateans only marry within their demonic sect. They often marry rich, influential Gentiles. Thus, the Fourth Baron Rothschild (Jacob's) mother was not Jewish nor is his wife.

Many Sabbateans live in Istanbul, Turkey.

[1999] Everyone in Istanbul, so it seems, knows about the Sabbateans, or, as they are known here, the Doenmeh ("converts" or "apostates" in Turkish; the Sabbateans themselves dislike this title, and seldom use it.) They are perhaps Turkey's best-known secret. 

No Sabbatean, with the exception of Ilgaz Zorlu himself, will ever publicly admit to being one, and they are rarely talked about.

Even the Sabbateans themselves learn their real identities only when they turn 18, when the secret is finally revealed to them by their parents. This tradition of zealously maintaining a double identity in Muslim society has been passed on for generations.

Jews and other minorities can advance only so far in Turkish society; because they keep their identity secret, Sabbateans, on the other hand, can and do enjoy high positions in almost every field. The Sabbatean cemetery, which is ostensibly Muslim, offers ample evidence: The tomb of a Supreme Court judge lies next to that of an ex-leader of the Communist party, and near them stand the graves of a general and a famous educator. Zorlu freely adds more big names to the list of prominent Sabbateans, including Foreign Minister Ismail Cem, who, claims Zorlu, used to have a Sabbatean surname (Cem has denied being a Sabbatean). Zorlu also claims that former prime minister Tanso Ciler is a Sabbatean, as is the wife of the current prime minister, Bulent Ecevit.


According to this source, Sephardic Jews who were expelled from the Iberian peninsula and developed an underground culture, merged with the Sabbateans in Turkey, and they developed a spring festival.
Born and educated in Istanbul, I became aware early about a mysterious people who appeared to be Turks with Jewish affinities. Their elders spoke Spanish at home and sometimes exchanged a few words in this language with my parents. I heard rumors that the approach of Jewish holy days made these "other Turks" tense and they were secretly celebrating them with their own customs. Besides these sporadic manifestations, they never talked about their Jewish ties, and mutual discretion made the subject a taboo.

...In fact, the Sabbatean community which flourished in Salonica is the only heretical sect in the history of crypto-Jewry with so well-established precepts and institutions. The Ma'minim—believers in Hebrew—they called themselves were voluntary converts, a mass phenomenon without a precedent in Jewish history. They were considered as Muslims publicly; Ten Commandments were replaced with a new religious order based on eighteen precepts, las Incomendensas, as they called it in Judeo-Spanish.

The definition of adultery in las Incomendensas, suggesting prudence rather than a prohibition, is ambiguous. It is in this context that a peculiar feast, the Sabbatean Spring Festival, was incorporated into the Sabbatean liturgy. Based on its origins and its mode of celebration, this feast, usually known as the Lamb Festival, remains the most puzzling and eccentric holiday of Sabbatean lore.

The feast begins at midnight between the 21st and the 22nd' day of the month of Adar, at the supposed occurrence of the spring equinox. According to the Sabbatean tradition, the spring equinox represents the beginning of the New Year and the creation of the world. Only married couples were permitted to participate in the ceremony, where the meat of the lamb was eaten for the first time in the year. It was required that at least two married couples or a paired number of married couples participate in the ceremony. Women wore jewels and their best clothes and served at the banquet. At a certain moment, lights were extinguished and the couples would make love after exchanging partners.
21-22 Adar corresponds to March 7-8, 2010. Last night.

The scholarly paper goes on to describe the meaning of various symbols including water, blood, seasons, etc.
There is no doubt that the renewal of nature represented by the Sabbatean Spring Festival also implied themes associated with the creation of man and the world, as well as the reappearance of the Messiah, according to one belief, as the original Adam. The extinguishing of lights and the concomitant sexual orgy is a simulacrum of the darkness, the eschatological, messianic and creational chaos and the free expression of instinctual needs followed by rebirth, as conceived in mystical philosophies.

According to rumors, during the secret rites observed by Alevi populations in Turkey, which are accompanied by music and drinking, the candles would go out at a certain point and the entire ceremony would turn into an orgy. This festivity is popularly known in Turkish as mum sonde alemi, meaning "festivity of extinguishing candles." Rumors about this custom spread in Turkey and are even extant today.

What do they want, or perhaps, who do they want to destroy? It depends who you ask.

Destroy Israel?

Destroy America?

Destroy Turkey?


Currently there's a debate about the Armenian Genocide, and who is responsible for that. Turkey does not want to take responsibility for the Armenian Genocide.

Who was running Turkey at the time? The Young Turks: Sabbateans.

Huge topic.


Anonymous said…
This explains a lot.

- Aangirfan
Greg Bacon said…
This was the choice the Turkish Sultan put to Sabbatai Zevi, self-proclaimed Jewish "Messiah" in 1666.

Again, that fascination with the number six. Which is also the best number to have when playing dice.

Turkey is being targeted for a chaotic change by Zionists, since Turkey has gotten 'uppity' and spoken truths about the Israeli occupation of Palestine and Israel's mass murder of Gazans.
A. Peasant said…
yes, it seems so greg. this sabbatean angle is very interesting.
nobody said…
Thanks AP,

I have nothing to say because that rotten Aangirfan said it already.

Actually, what you've got here describes everything we've been on about albeit in a really neat and coherent fashion.

Very good.
A. Peasant said…
oh i'm definitely late to the party with this topic, but i'll try to make some sense of it.
veritas6464 said…
Hey A. Peasant,.. excellent work, there are so many elements to the current crisis/dialectic that being in touch with even a few of them requires the input of many good people. There is information connecting the Sabbateans with the Protocols - I am currently looking into the pathology of the Written Expression inherent to the protocols; looks like it could be another path. I will send you the results of my raw research asap.


A. Peasant said…
oh PG, that would be most appreciated. i am looking in the same area also and would love to know what you find. this is the unholy grail haha.
Unholy grail, you think. I hope to visit Turkey.
A. Peasant said…
i'm sure turkey is beautiful, Marycatherine. i doubt you'd have a problem but hey, all the same, be careful!